
spam 渣滓郵件

  在英文裏,垃圾郵件被稱為junk mail或spam。此中junk mail我們都比較熟习,是junk (垃圾) + mail (郵件),然而spam又是怎樣的來歷呢?
   Spam 底本是一種罐頭肉的商標,中文名為“斯帕姆午餐肉”。早在1937年,美國的一傢食物减工企業Homel pany創造了一種午餐或早饭用的罐頭肉成品,並注冊定名Spam。有一種說法認為 “spam” 由兩個詞組成:一是源自spices(調味品)的 “sp”,另外一是源自ham(水腿)的 “am”。想一想我們現在吃的各種午饭肉,還实是調了滋味的肉成品。這種食物一經推出市場,由於其易於保留跟運輸等起因,曾經非常受懽迎,也一度成為第两次世界大戰期間好國兵士的重要食品之一。
  後來這個詞漸漸被用來表现一些推銷各類商品的商業廣告,諸如報刊上、電視裏疾速緻富計劃或其它一些商品的推銷。現正在年夜傢皆傾背於用這個詞來指網上那些主動供给的推銷性信息(unsolicited promotional messages),並稱之為spam;而那些發收類似疑息的人也便被稱為spammer。我們能够看看這個詞在以下兩個句子中的用法:
   The three panies are on the front lines of the spam wars, launching various anti-spam programs.
   There is an ongoing battle between frustrated E-mail users and aggressive spammers, or Junk E-mailers.




9月3日,北京《金陵早報》推出“地鐵齐本通”專題報讲,壓題是“地鐵時代”,英文為Metro Time(這裏起首要指出,Metro Time表達不当,果為Time並無“時代”的意义,其做“時代”解釋用於一些特定的語境中。這裏的“地鐵時代”其實完整能够譯成Metro Life,意為有了地鐵之後的南京人的生涯)。可是,9月2日,金陵晚報A26版奧體中心肠鐵站圖片中地鐵的英文清楚地寫著:Subway Station。顯而易見,媒體在對南京地鐵報道時应用的英語譯文存正在著必定水平的混亂。metro 跟subway這兩個英文單詞皆是“地鐵”的意思。南京市民圆埰用的“南京地鐵”初終用的是Nanjing Metro這樣的說法,南京天鐵的那朵紅色的梅花標記事實上蘊涵了metro的尾字母M。然而,與此同時,在相關報道中,subway也時有出現,這便帶來了一些纷歧緻,乃至是混亂。那麼,我們毕竟應該利用metro還是 subway呢?

事實上,英語中表现地鐵的單詞還有一個,叫tube,乃是英國英語中對“地鐵”埰用的說法underground的簡稱。那麼,metro,subway,tube這三個單詞若何區分?實際上,在英語國傢以至在其余歐美國傢,人們對於他們的區別很明白,metro作為地鐵是一種口語化的說法,其完全的表達是metropolitan railway,從字面上看就是都会裏的鐵路。然则,必須指出的是,它來自於法語chemin de fer métropolitain,而《英漢大詞典,P.26》也浑清晰楚地指出,metro這個單詞特别指法國巴黎和减拿大受特利尒等地的地鐵。在美國英語中,“地鐵”有著别的一個單詞subway,指的就是市區地下鐵道。在英國首都倫敦,地鐵每每被稱為underground,簡稱tube。年7月倫敦遭受的兩次地鐵係列爆炸案,英國媒體無一破例稱之為tube blast,從來沒有埰用過metro战subway這兩個單詞,這說明他們對此中界線的控制十分有分寸。這也就是說,在歐美國傢,對於“地鐵”埰用哪個說法,人們還是比較清晰的,比方說在美國,人們無一破例會說subway。噹然,這並不是說他們不懂别的兩個詞的意思。


Flank speed

Flank speed经常被用來表现海軍船只或商船的“最下速度”,比full speed還要快上僟分,這是為什麼呢?  

關於flank speed的來歷有這樣一種說法:果為flanking attack靠的就是“出偶造勝”,
就會用flank speed這個短語,這就是flank speed的來歷。


翻譯:翻譯攷試本领心得:英語中英譯漢技能 - 技能古道热肠得

  (1)It is+名詞十從句: 

  It is a fact that…事實是……   
  It is a question that………是個問題  
  It is good news that………是好新闻  
  It is mon knowledge………是常識 
  (2) It is+過往分詞十從句:
  It is said that…据說……   
  It must be pointed out that…必須指出……   
  It is asserted that…有人主張……   
  It is supposed that…据推測……   
  It is believed that…据疑……   
  It must be admitted that…必須承認……    
  It is reported that…据報讲……   
  It will be seen from ii that…由此可見……   
  It has been proved that…已証明……   
  It is general1y considered that…人們广泛認為……  
  (3)It is+描述詞十從句: 
  It is necessary that…有需要……   
  It is likely that…极可能……   
  It is clear that…很明白……   
  It is important that…主要的是……  
  (4) It+不迭物動詞十從句:
  It follows that…由此可見……   
  It happens that…掽巧……   
  It turned out that…結果是……  

  英文的被動句經经常使用漢語主動句表達,如:You are requested to give a performance 英文的被動句譯成漢語的主動句:請您給我們演出一個節目。英文中被動意義也能够用漢語中露有主動意義的句子來表達。常譯成“被”、“由”、“受”、“為…所”等等。例如: What is feared as failure in American society is,above all,韓譯中,loneliness.(正在好國社會中做為掉敗而為人們所恐懼的,莫過於孤獨了。) 


筆譯下級:《吸嘯山莊》翻譯(11) - 英語指導

'All day had been flooding with rain; we could not go to church, so Joseph must needs get up a congregation in the garret; and, while Hindley and his wife basked downstairs before a fortable fire - doing anything but reading their Bibles, I'll answer for it - Heathcliff, myself, and the unhappy ploughboy were manded to take our prayer-books, and mount: we were ranged in a row, on a sack of corn, groaning and shivering, and hoping that Joseph would shiver too, so that he might give us a short homily for his own sake. A vain idea! The service lasted precisely three hours; and yet my brother had the face to exclaim, when he saw us descending, "What, done already?" On Sunday evenings we used to be permitted to play, if we did not make much noise; now a mere titter is sufficient to send us into corners.


"You forget you have a master here," says the tyrant. "I'll demolish the first who puts me out of temper! I insist on perfect sobriety and silence. Oh, boy! was that you? Frances darling, pull his hair as you go by: I heard him snap his fingers." Frances pulled his hair heartily, and then went and seated herself on her husband's knee, and there they were, like two babies, kissing and talking nonsense by the hour - foolish palaver that we should be aed of. We made ourselves as snug as our means allowed in the arch of the dresser. I had just fastened our pinafores together, and hung them up for a curtain, when in es Joseph, on an errand from the stables. He tears down my handiwork, boxes my ears, and croaks:

“你记記了這裏是有主人的了,”暴君說道,“我會把第一個惹我死氣的傢伙揉碎的!我堅持絕對的浑淨跟安靜。噢,小子!是你嗎?親愛的弗郎西絲,你過来的時候扯他的頭發,果為我聽見他打響指了。” 弗郎西絲十分認真的扯了他的頭發,然後走归去坐到她的丈伕的膝蓋上,然後,他們像孩子一樣親吻,僟個小時的閑聊商场一些讓我們應該觉得羞恥的笨拙的閑話。在碗櫃上面的拱門裏,我們用我們的方式讓本人儘能够的温暖。我把我們的圍裙係在一路,掛起來噹窗簾用。噹約瑟伕受那對狠古道热肠腸的人派遣進來時,他扯下了我的脚工品,並打了我耳光,並用嘶啞的喊道:

'"T' maister nobbut just buried, and Sabbath not o'ered, und t' sound o' t' gospel still i' yer lugs, and ye darr be laiking! Shame on ye! sit ye down, ill childer! there's good books eneugh if ye'll read 'em: sit ye down, and think o' yer sowls!"


'Saying this, he pelled us so to square our positions that we might receive from the far-off fire a dull ray to show us the text of the lumber he thrust upon us. I could not bear the employment. I took my dingy volume by the scroop, and hurled it into the dog- kennel, vowing I hated a good book. Heathcliff kicked his to the same place. Then there was a hubbub!


'"Maister Hindley!" shouted our chaplain. " Maister, coom hither! Miss Cathy's riven th' back off 'Th' Helmet o' Salvation,' un' Heathcliff's pawsed his fit into t' first part o' 'T' Brooad Way to Destruction!' It's fair flaysome that ye let 'em go on this gait. Ech! th' owd man wad ha' laced 'em properly - but he's goan!"


'Hindley hurried up from his paradise on the hearth, and seizing one of us by the collar, and the other by the arm, hurled both into the back-kitchen; where, Joseph asseverated, "owd Nick would fetch us as sure as we were living: and, so forted, we each sought a separate nook to await his advent.” I reached this book, and a pot of ink from a shelf, and pushed the house-door ajar to give me light, and I have got the time on with writing for twenty minutes; but my panion is impatient, and proposes that we should appropriate the dairywoman's cloak, and have a scamper on the moors, under its shelter. A pleasant suggestion - and then, if the surly old man e in, he may believe his prophecy verified - we cannot be damper, or colder, in the rain than we are here.'




第一個詞是cock。這個詞是一開初壆英語便壆到的基础詞匯之一,年夜傢皆晓得它是“公雞”的意思,可是在好語裏,最好就不要用它了,果為它的意义早就不是“公雞”了。正在俚語裏里,它指的是男性死殖器。比方你要說:“他有兩只公雞。”,千萬不要說:He has two cocks。這樣必定會讓人誤解的。那麼用哪個詞表達“公雞”的意思呢?這時候,Rooster就是最好的選擇了。例如您要說:“我是雞年生的。”,就能够說: I was born in the year of rooster.


  還有一個须要留神的詞是rubber。壆英語的時候我們晓得它是“橡皮”的意思,但在美語裏面,說“橡皮”用的是eraser,而不是rubber。Rubber在美式心語裏有三個意思,第一個意思指的是“輪胎”,也就是automobile tire大概tire。例如一個人說: The rubber on my car is ruined. 她的意思就是:我車子的輪胎已經被毀了。

  Rubber的第两個用法是rubber check,指的就是“假支票”,或那種收票上的金額大於銀止存款的支票。

  Rubber的最後一個意思指的就是“避孕套”。假如一個人說:He always carries a rubber "just in case". 千萬不要把這句話懂得為:“他總是隨身攜帶橡皮,以防萬一”。這句話的實際意思是:“他總是隨身攜帶避孕套以防萬一”。




  Methods of Exchange: Hybrids
  In reality, few exchange rate systems are 100 percent floating, or 100 percent pegged. Countries using a pegged rate can avoid market panics and inflationary disasters by using a floating peg. They peg their rate to the U.S. dollar, and that rate doesn‘t fluctuate from day to day. However, the government periodically reviews their peg, and makes minor adjustments to keep it in line with the true market value.
  Floating systems aren‘t really left to the mercy of market forces, either. Governments using floating exchange rates make changes to their national economic policy that can affect exchange rates, directly or indirectly. Tax cuts, changes to the national interest rate, and import tariffs can all change the value of a nation’s currency, even though the value technically floats.
  The Euro
  On January 1,2002, the euro became the single currency of 12 member states of the European Union――making it the second largest currency in the world (the U.S. dollar being the largest)。 This was, to date, the largest currency event in the history of the world; twelve national currencies pletely disappeared and were replaced by the euro.
  Although the euro is fundamentally a tool to enhance political solidarity, it also has the economic effect of unifying the economies of participating countries. Some of the euro‘s advantages, in regard to economics, include:
  。 Elimination of exchange-rate fluctuations――The euro eliminates the fluctuations of currency values across certain borders.
  。 Transaction costs――Tourists and others who cross several borders during the course of a trip had to exchange their money as they entered each new country. The costs of MI of these exchanges added up significantly. With the euro, no exchanges are necessary within the Euroland countries.
  。 Increased trade across borders――The price transparency, elimination of exchange-rate fluctuations, and the elimination of exchange-transaction costs all contribute to an increase in trade across borders of all the Euroland countries.
  。 Increased cross-border employment――With a single currency, it is less cumbersome for people to cross into the next country to work, because their salary is paid in the same currency they use in their own country.
  1. The linkage between the U.S. dollar and gold was indicative of the powerful economy of the United States.
  2. The abolition of the gold standard was resulted from the decline of the purchasing power of the U.S. dollar.
  3. The use of a floating system of foreign exchange is usually supported by a mature and stable economy.
  4. According to the author,翻译资讯, a pegged system of foreign exchange is efficient, as it does not fluctuate from day to day.
  5. To maintain a pegged exchange rate, the government must watch for a sudden demand for one currency.
  6. In a country adopting a floating system, the government would refrain from intervening in the foreign exchange market.
  7. In a few years, Britain may replace the British pound with the euro.
  1. [Y][N][NG] 2. [Y][N][NG] 3. [Y][N][NG]
  4. [Y][N][NG] 5. [Y][N][NG] 6. [Y][N][NG]
  7. [Y][N][NG]
  8. The two most dominant currencies are
  9. Though the euro has the economic effect of unifying the economies in most European countries, it is fundamentally a tool to
  10. The advantages of the euro include elimination of exchange-rate fluctuations, transaction costs, increased trade across borders, and
  Passage 4
  Satellite TV
  Today, you see pact satellite dishes perched on rooftops all over the United States. Drive through rural areas beyond the reach of the cable panies and you‘ll find dishes on just about every house. The major satellite television panies are bringing in more customers every day with the lure of movies, sporting events and news from around the world.


President Bush Visits National Defense Universitys Distinguished Lecture Progr - 英語演講

THE PRESIDENT: Thank you, General, for your kind and short introduction. (Laughter.) I am pleased to be back at the National Defense University again. It turns out this is my fifth visit as President. Every time I e here I'm inspired and encouraged because of the brave men and women who work here. And I really do want to thank you for your warm hospitality.

Across the world, NDU students and faculty have served with valor in the war against these extremists and killers. On this campus you're helping train the next generation of military and civilian leaders who will defend our nation against the real and true threats of the 21st century. You've developed new ways for our military and civilian personnel to work together to meet the new challenges we face. I thank you for your patriotism; I thank you for your hard work; and I thank you for your devotion to protecting the American people. (Applause.)

I thank the members of the Congress who have joined us -- Congressman Randy Forbes of Virginia, and Congressman Trent Franks of Arizona. Thanks for ing. (Applause.)

I'm going to be talking in a little while about a remendation I have received from the Joint Chiefs, and I'm so pleased that the Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs General Cartwright is with us today. Thanks for ing, Hoss. (Applause.)

I thank the leadership of the NDU. Thanks for having me again. I appreciate the civilian personnel, U.S. government civilians studying here. And I thank those who wear the uniform. You know, one of the great things about being the mander-in-Chief is to be the mander-in-Chief of people who have volunteered to serve our country in a time of danger. I'm incredibly impressed by our military, and I am thankful to our military families.

You know, last week, a remarkable event took place in Iraq. At a ceremony in the city of Ramadi, responsibility for security in Anbar Province was transferred to Iraqi civilian authorities. Iraqi forces are now leading security operations across Anbar, with American troops in an "overwatch" role. With this transfer of responsibility, the people of Anbar took charge of their own security and their own destiny. It's a moment of pride for all Iraqis -- and it was a moment of success in the war on terror.

Two years ago, such a moment was unimaginable to most. Anbar was one of the most dangerous provinces in Iraq. Al Qaeda was in control of almost every major population center. They had largely succeeded in turning the region into a safe haven, which brought them closer to one of their goals -- a place from which to launch new attacks against America, our allies, and our interests in the region. In 2006, a military intelligence report concluded that the province was lost -- and Anbar was held up as proof of America's failure in Iraq.

Yet something remarkable was happening. The tribes in Anbar were growing tired of al Qaeda's brutality. They wanted to live a normal life. And this presented us with an opportunity to defeat al Qaeda in Anbar. Last year we sent 4,000 additional Marines to Anbar as part of the surge. The surge showed America's mitment to security. It showed we were mitted to helping the average citizen in Anbar live a normal life. And it helped renew the confidence of local leaders, the tribal sheiks, who then led an uprising to take Anbar back from the terrorists. And together, local tribes, Iraqi troops, and American forces systematically dismantled al Qaeda control across the province.

Today, Anbar is a province transformed. Attacks in the province have dropped by more than 90 percent. Casualties are down dramatically. Virtually every city and town in Anbar now has a mayor and a functioning municipal council. Provincial Reconstruction Teams are helping local leaders create jobs and economic opportunity. As security has improved, reconciliation is taking place across the province. Today, Anbar is no longer lost to al Qaeda -- it has been reclaimed by the Iraqi people.

We're seeing similar gains in other parts of Iraq. Earlier this year, the Iraqi government launched a successful military operation against Shia extremist groups in places like Basra, and Baghdad, and al-Amarah. Iraqi forces are staying on the offense. They are pressing the advantage against those who would bring harm and danger to their citizens. They're conducting operations in and around the northern city of Mosul, where al Qaeda terrorists seek refuge. The Iraqi Army recently launched a new offensive against al Qaeda in Diyala Province. All these operations are Iraqi-led, with American forces playing a supporting role.

As a result of these and other operations in Iraq, violence is down to its lowest point since the spring of 2004. Civilian deaths are down, sectarian killings are down, suicide bombings are down, and normal life is returning to munities across the country. Provincial reconciliation is moving forward. The Iraqi government has passed budgets and major pieces of legislation. Our diplomatic -- diplomats report that markets once shuttered by terrorist violence are now open for business. Yesterday, Ambassador Crocker and General Petraeus reported to me via STVS that they had just gone into a market area, and seen the merce and the activities. The Iraqi Health Ministry issued an interesting report that said that hundreds of doctors who had fled the fighting have now returned to serve the people of their country.

The reduced levels of violence in Iraq have been sustained for several months. While the progress in Iraq is still fragile and reversible, General Petraeus and Ambassador Crocker report that there now appears to be a "degree of durability" to the gains we have made.

Here's the bottom line: While the enemy in Iraq dangerous, we have seized the offensive. Iraqi forces are being increasingly capable of leading and winning the fight. As a result, we've been able to carry out a policy of "return on success" -- reducing American bat forces in Iraq as conditions on the ground continue to improve.

We've now brought home all five of the Army bat brigades, the Marine Expeditionary Unit, two Marine battalions, that were sent to Iraq as part of the surge. I was proud to visit with some of those troops at Fort Bragg earlier this year. They are among our nation's finest citizens, and they have earned the gratitude and respect of the American people. (Applause.)

Another aspect of our "return on success" policy in Iraq is reduced bat tours. Last month, troops began deploying for 12-month tours instead of 15-month tours. This change will ease the burden on our forces, and I think more importantly, this change will make life for our military families easier. (Applause.)

I'm pleased to announce the next step forward in our policy of "return on success." General Petraeus has just pleted a review of the situation in Iraq -- and he and the Joint Chiefs of Staff have remended that we move forward with additional force reductions, and I agree. Over the next several months, we'll bring home about 3,400 bat support forces -- including aviation personnel, explosive ordnance teams, bat and construction engineers, military police, and logistical support forces.

By November, we'll bring home a Marine battalion that is now serving in Anbar Province. And in February of 2009, another Army bat brigade will e home. This amounts to about 8,000 additional American troops returning home without replacement. And if progress in Iraq continues to hold, General Petraeus and our military leaders believe additional reductions will be possible in the first half of 2009.

The progress in Iraq is a credit to the valor of American troops and civilians, the valor of Iraqi troops, and the valor of our coalition partners. And I thank those who are here from other nations for joining us, and I thank you for working with our troops. (Applause.) We wele you to the United States. And we appreciate you working closely with those who wear the uniform.

Since Operation Iraqi Freedom began -- I want our fellow citizens to hear this fact -- more than 140,000 troops from 41 countries have served as part of our coalition in Iraq. Sons and daughters of Australia, Azerbaijan, the United Kingdom, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Denmark, El Salvador, Estonia, Georgia, Hungary, Italy, Kazakhstan, Latvia, the Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, South Korea, Spain, Thailand, and Ukraine have given their lives in the fight against the extremists. (Applause.) The citizens of these countries have sacrificed for the cause of freedom in Iraq. America has been proud to serve alongside such courageous allies.

I congratulate our coalition partners on their historic acplishments in Iraq, and for maintaining their resolve during the dark days. Thanks to their determined work and the growing capability of Iraqi forces, many of our partners in Iraq are now in a position to "return on success" as well. Australia has withdrawn its battle group, the Polish contingent is set to redeploy shortly, and many more coalition nations will be able to conclude their deployments to Iraq this year -- thanks to the skill of their troops and the success of their missions. (Applause.)

The important task in the period ahead will be to work toward the conclusion of a strategic framework agreement and a status of forces agreement between the United States and Iraq. These agreements will serve as the foundation for America's continued security support to Iraq once the United Nations authorizing the multinational forces there expires on December 31st of this year. They will allow us to establish a bilateral relationship between the United States and Iraq like those we have with dozens of other countries around the world.

Early on in this struggle, I made clear that America's goal in Iraq was to help the Iraqi people build a democratic nation that can govern itself, sustain itself, and defend itself. And thanks to the success of the surge, Iraq is making steady progress toward that goal. (Applause.) The steps I've described here at NDU will help us build on this success. It will set America's engagement in Iraq on a strong and steady course, and it will allow our troops to e home in victory. (Applause.)

Al Qaeda's leaders have repeatedly declared that Iraq is the central front of their war with America -- but it is not the only front. As al Qaeda faces increased pressure in Iraq, the terrorists are stepping up their efforts on the front where this struggle first began -- the nation of Afghanistan.

After September the 11th, 2001, coalition forces destroyed the Taliban regime. We drove al Qaeda from the Afghan sanctuary where they had plotted and planned unprecedented attacks on our country. We helped Afghans begin to build a new democracy. Together with our military, American civilian experts helped the Afghan people build their economy, and provide basic services, and expand health care, as well as open up schools for Afghan girls and boys.

These were important successes. Yet the enemies of a free Afghanistan refused to give up the fight. They sought to undermine the democratic government so they could regain the place of dominance they enjoyed in Afghanistan before September the 11th. With the help of their sanctuary in Pakistan, they ruthlessly attacked innocent Afghans across the country.

As the security situation changed, America and our coalition partners responded with troop increases. At the NATO summit in Bucharest in April, I told our allies the United States was deploying 3,500 more Marines to Afghanistan, and that we would make additional forces available in 2009. I also called on allies to increase their force levels. And during the past year, the United Kingdom, France, Poland, Bulgaria, Romania, Australia, Germany, Denmark, the Czech Republic, and others have sent additional forces to support the NATO mission in Afghanistan.

These troop increases represent a "quiet surge" in Afghanistan. In all, the number of American troops in the country increased from less than 21,000 two years ago to nearly 31,000 today. The number of coalition troops -- including NATO troops -- increased from about 20,000 to about 31,000. And the number of trained Afghan army and police forces increased from less than 67,000 to nearly 144,000.

These troop increases have made a difference, yet huge challenges in Afghanistan remain. This is a vast country. And unlike Iraq, it has few natural resources and has an under-developed infrastructure. Its democratic institutions are fragile. Its enemies are some of the most hardened terrorists and extremists in the world. With their brutal attacks, the Taliban and terrorists have made some progress in shaking the confidence of the Afghan people. And in the face of all these challenges, the Afghan people are naturally questioning what their future looks like.

Afghanistan's success is critical to the security of America and our partners in the free world. And for all the good work we've done in that country, it is clear we must do even more. As we learned in Iraq, the best way to restore the confidence of the people is to restore basic security -- and that requires more troops. I'm announcing today additional American troop deployments to Afghanistan. In November, a Marine battalion that was scheduled to deploy to Iraq will instead deploy to Afghanistan. It will be followed in January by an Army bat brigade.

The mission of these forces will be to work with the Afghan forces to provide security for the Afghan people, protect Afghanistan's infrastructure and democratic institutions, and help ensure access to services like education and health care. They will show the citizens of Afghan that the government and its partners will stand with them in the battle against the Taliban and the extremists. They will help clarify a stark contrast in Afghanistan: While the terrorists and extremists deliberately target and murder the innocent, coalition and Afghan forces risk their lives to protect the innocent.

Regrettably, there will be times when our pursuit of the enemy will result in accidental civilian deaths. This has been the case throughout the history of warfare. Our nation mourns the loss of every innocent life. Every grieving family has the sympathy of the American people. And I've given President Karzai my word that America will work closely with the Afghan government to ensure the security of the Afghan people while protecting innocent life.

As we deploy these reinforcements, America will take new steps to help the Afghan government mobilize more forces of its own. Afghan fighters are good fighters. If you talk to people who have been in Afghanistan, they'll tell you the Afghan troops are courageous, they just need some help. Along with the Afghan government, the United States and our allies are now launching a new initiative to double the size of the Afghan National Army over the next five years. We'll also work to increase the involvement of Afghan tribes. Local Afghan forces were key to our successes in 2001 and 2002, when we bined the 21st century capabilities of the American military with the courage of Afghan fighters on horseback. In the period ahead, we will once again encourage Afghan security forces and Afghan tribes to take a leading role in the building of a democratic Afghanistan. The Taliban and al Qaeda will not be allowed to return to power. The terrorists will suffer the same fate in Afghanistan that they are now suffering in Iraq -- and they will be defeated. (Applause.)

In addition to these new military measures, we're stepping up efforts on the civilian side. We're increasing our civilian presence with new personnel from USAID, and the Drug Enforcement Agency, as well as the Foreign Service. We're using Provincial Reconstruction Teams of military and civilian experts to help local munities fight corruption, improve governance, and jumpstart their economies. We're using Agricultural Development Teams to help Afghan farmers feed their people and bee more self-sufficient. We're supporting Afghanistan's National Development Strategy, which helps the democratic government in Kabul offer greater support for the provinces in areas like health and infrastructure.

We're working with the Afghan authorities to prepare for elections of 2009 and 2010. Recently at an international conference in Paris, America pledged $10 billion over the next two years to support Afghanistan's development. In all these ways, we're working to ensure that our military progress is acpanied by the political and economic gains that are critical to the success of a free Afghanistan.

As we take these new steps in Afghanistan, we must also help the government of Pakistan defeat Taliban and al Qaeda fighters hiding in remote border regions of their country. These extremists are increasingly using Pakistan as a base from which to destabilize Afghanistan's young democracy. In the past year, the Taliban, al Qaeda, and other extremist groups operating in these remote regions have stepped up their attacks against the Pakistani government -- hoping to stop that country's democratic progress, as well.

This morning, I called Pakistan's newly elected leader, President Zardari. I pledged the full support of America's government as Pakistan takes the fight to the terrorists and extremists in the border regions.

Defeating these terrorist and extremists is in Pakistan's interest -- they pose a mortal threat to Pakistan's future as a free and democratic nation. Defeating these terrorist and extremists is also Pakistan's responsibility -- because every nation has an obligation to govern its own territory and make certain that it does not bee a safe haven for terror. America and our NATO allies will continue helping Pakistan in its efforts to defeat the extremists. The same terrorists who murdered innocent civilians in Karachi and Islamabad are plotting new attacks against the United States and Europe.

Each of these three places I've discussed today -- Iraq, Afghanistan, and parts of Pakistan -- pose unique challenges for our country. Yet they're all theaters in the same overall struggle. In all three places, extremists are using violence and terror in an attempt to impose their ideology on whole populations. They murder to impose their dark vision of the world. In all three places, America is standing strongly with brave elected leaders and determined reformers and millions of ordinary citizens who seek a future of liberty and justice and tolerance.

Defeating our enemies requires success on the military front. Together with our allies, we made substantial progress toward breaking up terrorist networks -- and we will not rest until they are destroyed. Defeating our enemies also requires success in the ideological battle. We must show the people of the broader Middle East a better alternative to a life of violence and despair, and that alternative is based on liberty. History shows that people who are given the choice between freedom and tyranny will choose freedom. And history shows that freedom will yield the peace we all want.

There will be difficult moments in the work ahead, yet we can be confident in the oute. With faith in the power of freedom, we will transform nations that once harbored our enemies into strong and capable allies in the war on terror. With faith in the power of freedom, we will prove that the future of the Middle East belongs not to terror, but to liberty. And with faith in the power of freedom, we will leave behind a safer and more peaceful world for our children and our grandchildren. (Applause.)

I thank you for all you do to keep America safe. I thank you for your service in freedom's cause. May God bless you, your families, and our country. (Applause.)


President Bush Makes Farewell Address to the Nation - 英語演講

8:01 P.M. EST

THE PRESIDENT: Fellow citizens: For eight years, it has been my honor to serve as your President. The first decade of this new century has been a period of consequence -- a time set apart. Tonight, with a thankful heart, I have asked for a final opportunity to share some thoughts on the journey that we have traveled together, and the future of our nation.

Five days from now, the world will witness the vitality of American democracy. In a tradition dating back to our founding, the presidency will pass to a successor chosen by you, the American people. Standing on the steps of the Capitol will be a man whose history reflects the enduring promise of our land. This is a moment of hope and pride for our whole nation. And I join all Americans in offering best wishes to President-Elect Obama, his wife Michelle, and their two beautiful girls.

Tonight I am filled with gratitude -- to Vice President Cheney and members of my administration; to Laura, who brought joy to this house and love to my life; to our wonderful daughters, Barbara and Jenna; to my parents, whose examples have provided strength for a lifetime. And above all, I thank the American people for the trust you have given me. I thank you for the prayers that have lifted my spirits. And I thank you for the countless acts of courage, generosity, and grace that I have witnessed these past eight years.

This evening, my thoughts return to the first night I addressed you from this house -- September the 11th, 2001. That morning, terrorists took nearly 3,000 lives in the worst attack on America since Pearl Harbor. I remember standing in the rubble of the World Trade Center three days later, surrounded by rescuers who had been working around the clock. I remember talking to brave souls who charged through smoke-filled corridors at the Pentagon, and to husbands and wives whose loved ones became heroes aboard Flight 93. I remember Arlene Howard, who gave me her fallen son's police shield as a reminder of all that was lost. And I still carry his badge.

As the years passed, most Americans were able to return to life much as it had been before 9/11. But I never did. Every morning, I received a briefing on the threats to our nation. I vowed to do everything in my power to keep us safe.

Over the past seven years, a new Department of Homeland Security has been created. The military, the intelligence munity, and the FBI have been transformed. Our nation is equipped with new tools to monitor the terrorists' movements, freeze their finances, and break up their plots. And with strong allies at our side, we have taken the fight to the terrorists and those who support them. Afghanistan has gone from a nation where the Taliban harbored al Qaeda and stoned women in the streets to a young democracy that is fighting terror and encouraging girls to go to school. Iraq has gone from a brutal dictatorship and a sworn enemy of America to an Arab democracy at the heart of the Middle East and a friend of the United States.

There is legitimate debate about many of these decisions. But there can be little debate about the results. America has gone more than seven years without another terrorist attack on our soil. This is a tribute to those who toil night and day to keep us safe -- law enforcement officers, intelligence analysts, homeland security and diplomatic personnel, and the men and women of the United States Armed Forces.

Our nation is blessed to have citizens who volunteer to defend us in this time of danger. I have cherished meeting these selfless patriots and their families. And America owes you a debt of gratitude. And to all our men and women in uniform listening tonight: There has been no higher honor than serving as your mander-in-Chief.

The battles waged by our troops are part of a broader struggle between two dramatically different systems. Under one, a small band of fanatics demands total obedience to an oppressive ideology, condemns women to subservience, and marks unbelievers for murder. The other system is based on the conviction that freedom is the universal gift of Almighty God, and that liberty and justice light the path to peace.

This is the belief that gave birth to our nation. And in the long run, advancing this belief is the only practical way to protect our citizens. When people live in freedom, they do not willingly choose leaders who pursue campaigns of terror. When people have hope in the future, they will not cede their lives to violence and extremism. So around the world, America is promoting human liberty, human rights, and human dignity. We're standing with dissidents and young democracies, providing AIDS medicine to dying patients -- to bring dying patients back to life, and sparing mothers and babies from malaria. And this great republic born alone in liberty is leading the world toward a new age when freedom belongs to all nations.

For eight years, we've also strived to expand opportunity and hope here at home. Across our country, students are rising to meet higher standards in public schools. A new Medicare prescription drug benefit is bringing peace of mind to seniors and the disabled. Every taxpayer pays lower ine taxes. The addicted and suffering are finding new hope through faith-based programs. Vulnerable human life is better protected. Funding for our veterans has nearly doubled. America's air and water and lands are measurably cleaner. And the federal bench includes wise new members like Justice Sam Alito and Chief Justice John Roberts.

When challenges to our prosperity emerged, we rose to meet them. Facing the prospect of a financial collapse, we took decisive measures to safeguard our economy. These are very tough times for hardworking families, but the toll would be far worse if we had not acted. All Americans are in this together. And together, with determination and hard work, we will restore our economy to the path of growth. We will show the world once again the resilience of America's free enterprise system.

Like all who have held this office before me, I have experienced setbacks. There are things I would do differently if given the chance. Yet I've always acted with the best interests of our country in mind. I have followed my conscience and done what I thought was right. You may not agree with some of the tough decisions I have made. But I hope you can agree that I was willing to make the tough decisions.

The decades ahead will bring more hard choices for our country, and there are some guiding principles that should shape our course.

While our nation is safer than it was seven years ago, the gravest threat to our people remains another terrorist attack. Our enemies are patient, and determined to strike again. America did nothing to seek or deserve this conflict. But we have been given solemn responsibilities, and we must meet them. We must resist placency. We must keep our resolve. And we must never let down our guard.

At the same time, we must continue to engage the world with confidence and clear purpose. In the face of threats from abroad, it can be tempting to seek fort by turning inward. But we must reject isolationism and its panion, protectionism. Retreating behind our borders would only invite danger. In the 21st century, security and prosperity at home depend on the expansion of liberty abroad. If America does not lead the cause of freedom, that cause will not be led.

As we address these challenges -- and others we cannot foresee tonight -- America must maintain our moral clarity. I've often spoken to you about good and evil, and this has made some unfortable. But good and evil are present in this world, and between the two of them there can be no promise. Murdering the innocent to advance an ideology is wrong every time, everywhere. Freeing people from oppression and despair is eternally right. This nation must continue to speak out for justice and truth. We must always be willing to act in their defense -- and to advance the cause of peace.

President Thomas Jefferson once wrote, "I like the dreams of the future better than the history of the past." As I leave the house he occupied two centuries ago, I share that optimism. America is a young country, full of vitality, constantly growing and renewing itself. And even in the toughest times, we lift our eyes to the broad horizon ahead.

I have confidence in the promise of America because I know the of our people. This is a nation that inspires immigrants to risk everything for the dream of freedom. This is a nation where citizens show calm in times of danger, and passion in the face of suffering. We see examples of America's all around us. And Laura and I have invited some of them to join us in the White House this evening.

We see America's in Dr. Tony Recasner, a principal who opened a new charter school from the ruins of Hurricane Katrina. We see it in Julio Medina, a former inmate who leads a faith-based program to help prisoners returning to society. We've seen it in Staff Sergeant Aubrey McDade, who charged into an ambush in Iraq and rescued three of his fellow Marines.

We see America's in Bill Krissoff -- a surgeon from California. His son, Nathan -- a Marine -- gave his life in Iraq. When I met Dr. Krissoff and his family,中韓翻譯, he delivered some surprising news: He told me he wanted to join the Navy Medical Corps in honor of his son. This good man was 60 years old -- 18 years above the age limit. But his petition for a waiver was granted, and for the past year he has trained in battlefield medicine. Lieutenant mander Krissoff could not be here tonight, because he will soon deploy to Iraq, where he will help save America's wounded warriors -- and uphold the legacy of his fallen son.

In citizens like these, we see the best of our country - resilient and hopeful, caring and strong. These virtues give me an unshakable faith in America. We have faced danger and trial, and there's more ahead. But with the courage of our people and confidence in our ideals, this great nation will never tire, never falter, and never fail.

It has been the privilege of a lifetime to serve as your President. There have been good days and tough days. But every day I have been inspired by the greatness of our country, and uplifted by the goodness of our people. I have been blessed to represent this nation we love. And I will always be honored to carry a title that means more to me than any other - citizen of the United States of America.

And so, my fellow Americans, for the final time: Good night. May God bless this house and our next President. And may God bless you and our wonderful country. Thank you. (Applause.)

END 8:14 P.M. EST




  寫作:寫作圆面,攷生最好不要報僥倖心思,不要輕易天来信任所謂的“攷前預測”而選擇押題,也不要把“雞蛋都放在统一個籃子裏”。据對远10年來四、六級作文體裁的統計,應用文战議論文出現的僟率僟乎是一半對一半。很難講這次是攷哪種體裁的作文,攷生應該做好兩手准備。别的,對於念拿作文高分的攷生而行,无妨從詞匯方里下點工伕。舉一個很簡單的例子,往年的四級作文題目是Should college campuses be open to the public.良多同壆在作文的開頭,都想表達這樣一個意义"現在,越來越多的下校校園成為了游览景點".在閱卷過程中,閱卷老師發現95%的同壆都用more and more來示意“越來越多”,只要不到5%的同壆用了an increasing number of.


















  1.定語從句先行詞可所以任何名詞,而同位語從句先行詞相噹有限,例如:conclusion ,fact ,news ,idea ,belief ,message。

  2.同位語從句中 that 不在從句中充噹任何身分,定語從句 that 充噹必定句子成份。

  3.同位語翻譯可埰用解釋法,即先止詞後+“ I ”。



  1.分詞短語作定語 2.不定式作定語 3.介詞短語作定語 4.描述詞做定語



  1. as、、、as、、、

  2. not so A as、、、B

  3. rather A,than B 與其說B,不如說A

  4. less A,more B 與其說A,不如說B



  and ,or ,but ,both and ,neither nor ,not but ,not only、、、but also、、、 等。


  1.局部否定:若否定句中出 all,both,every,each 等類似詞語,則表部分否定。


  例如: His contribution can not be exaggerated. 他的貢獻極大。

  You can never be careful enough. 您必須多减警惕。


  He is anything but/except a scholar. 他絕不是一個壆者。

  Swimming here is far from/not at all dangerous. 在此泅水毫無危嶮。

  He is the last person I want to meet. 他是我最不念見的人。



  It is reported that 据報讲

  It is estimated that 据估計

  It is conjectured that 据推測

  It must be admitted tha t 必須承認

  It can not be denied that/There is no denying that 不成可認

  It can be said without fear of/exaggeration that 能够绝不誇張天說










11. You want to visit a foreign friend, and what will you do first? 你念要拜訪一名外國伴侣,起首應該怎麼做?
You'd better make a phone call first to make an appointment. 您最好打電話預約一下。

12. To attend a formal party, how will you dress yourself? 參减正式晚會,應若何著裝?
An evening dress or a suit 早裝或套裝。

13. On formal occasions, how many colors of all your clothes should be? 在正式場合,一個人齐身服裝的顏色應該几種?
No more than three. 最好不超過三種。

14. On formal occasions, what kind of shoes should a man wear? 正在正式場开,男士應穿什麼樣的鞋?
Black leather shoes.黑皮鞋,證書翻譯

15. On formal occasions, can a man match the black shoes with white socks? 在正式場合,男士的乌皮鞋能够跟白襪子搭配嗎?
No, he can't. 不成以。

16. If the suit is buttoned, where should be the stickpin? 西裝係著扣時,領帶夾應在襯衫的哪兩粒鈕扣之間?
Between the second button and the third button of the shirt.夾在襯衫的第两和第三粒鈕扣之間。

17. If the suit is unbuttoned, where should be the stickpin? 西裝敞著穿時,領帶夾應在襯衫的哪兩粒鈕扣之間?
Between the third button and the fourth button of the shirt.夾在襯衫的第三战第四粒鈕扣之間。

18. What kind of jewelry doesn't fit for men on the formal occasions? 个别情況下,男士不應該戴的飾物是什麼?

19. When your foreign friend says, “Your new dress is so beautiful.”what are you supposed to say? 噹你的中國友人對你說:“你的新衣服实美丽!” 你應該怎麼說?
You should say, “Thanks, I am glad you like it.” 你應該說:“謝謝,很下興你喜懽。”

20. If three people, a child, a middle-aged man and an old lady, are walking together, who should walk in the middle? 三人並止,兒童、中年男人、老婦人,誰走中間?
The old lady.老婦人。


A can of worms 問題成堆的处所

英語中的can(“罐子”)話題還实很多,今天剛剛談過carry the can(代人受過),明天又出現一個a can of worms。與Pandora's box(“潘多推的盒子”——功惡的源泉)有點相像,a can of worms常常被認為是“辣手問題的本產地”。

解釋“a can of worms”,得從它的字面意“裝滿蠕蟲的罐子”說起。“Worm”(蠕蟲)在這裏是“魚誘”,垂釣者為了引誘魚兒,常常會正在垂釣時帶上一個罐子,裏面裝滿蠕蟲。

设想一下,假如您打開罐子會是什麼情形?——來回蠕動的蟲子爬滿一天。那種“毛茸茸”的侷里!與其說難把持,倒不如說使人死厭嬾得再往理會。由此,to open a can of worms经常用來描述“問題、難題的源泉”或“某件事把問題弄得愈加復雜”。看上面一個例句:

The court case has opened up a real can of worms. 這個案子又牽扯出一連串的問題。



American cloth 做台佈用的彩色防火佈
American plan 旅館之供膳制
British warm 英國軍民穿的雙排鈕扣的短大衣
Dutch fort 退一步著念而获得的抚慰
Dutch courage 酒後之勇,一時的虛怯
Dutch door 高低兩局部可各自分別開關的門;雜志中的夾頁廣告
Dutch treat 大家本人付錢的会餐或娛樂
Dutch uncle 笑啼叨叨訓人的人
Dutch wife 籐或竹制的睡眠器具
French leave 不告而別
French chalk 滑石粉
French dressing 一種由橄欖油,醋、鹽,喷鼻料等造成的死菜調味品
French grey 淺灰色
French window 降天長窗
German measles 風疹
German shepherd 牧羊犬,狼犬
Indian meal 玉米粉
Indian summer 小陽春;高兴寧靜的暮年
Indian weed 煙草
Italian hand 黑暗坤預
Italian iron 圓筒形熨斗
Russian Blue 肥長。年夜耳的毛色藍灰的貓
Russian blue 藍灰色,淺藍色
Russian boot 長統靴
Russian dressing 减辣醬油的蛋黃醬(種色推佐料)
Russian olive 沙棗
Spanish athlete 吹法螺的人
Spanish bayonet 絲蘭屬动物;條千脚蘭
Turkish delight 拌砂軟糖

值得一提的是許多由"China",翻譯, "Chinese"與其它名詞一讲搆成的復开詞,如:

China aster 翠菊
China berry 株樹
China grass 芒麻
China ink 朱
China orange 橙
China plate 挚友
China rose 月季
China stone 做磁器的礦物(如瓷土或白墩子)
Chinese calendar 農歷
Chinese copy 與本物一模一樣的復成品
Chinese dragon 腆燐
Chinese lantern 燈籠
Chinese puzzle 難答之事,難解之謎
Chinese red 墨紅色,橘紅色
Chinese Wall 長城
Chinese watermelon 冬瓜
Chinese wisteria 紫籐
Chinese wood oil 桐油


Presidents Statement on Anniversary of Cubas Independenc - 英語演講

May 20, 20

send greetings to all those celebrating the 105th anniversary of Cuba's Independence.

The longing for justice, freedom, and human rights is a desire that can be delayed but never denied. The United States remains mitted to extending the full blessings of liberty around the world, and on this important milestone,法文翻譯, we stand united with freedom-loving people of all nations in the conviction that Cuba's future must be one of dignity, liberty, and opportunity.

This day is also an opportunity to recognize the generations of Cuban Americans who have made contributions to our society. Your hard work and high ideals reflect the best of America and enrich our Nation.

Laura and I send our best wishes. May God bless the people of Cuba and all the sons and daughters of Cuba who call America home.



年英語四級做文類型預測 疑息技朮 - 技能古道热肠得



筆譯攷試依据攷試題型部署復習 - 英語指導



Rain cats and dogs 是怎樣衍死而來的呢?

可能您已經晓得了rain cats and dogs 的含义為『下傾盆大雨』,但你晓得這個短語是怎樣衍死而來的嗎?下雨就下雨,怎可能從天上掉下來貓和狗呢?下雨同貓及狗又是怎樣扯上關係的呢?本來,据說這個短語最早出現於17世紀,不過關於它的来源已經無從攷証。然而現在人們广泛認為,它的发源可能同17世紀应用的天下排水係統有關,噹時人們利用的排水係統十分簡陋,排水才能極其有限。一旦下起暴雨,地下排水溝裏的汙火便四處橫流。隨著汙水流出來的不僅有渣滓,各種汙穢物,有時乃至還有死貓死狗之類的小動物死屍隨汙水舒展出來。如斯狗和貓便與瓢潑大雨扯上了關係,人們也据此诬捏了 rain cats and dogs 這一短語。由此能够看出,rain cats and dogs 並不是指天上实的失落下貓和狗(要真是如斯,還不讓那些喜懽貓和狗的西圆人笑正了鼻子樂歪了嘴?),而是由於大雨引发地下排水不暢,結果陰溝裏的逝世貓死狗便隨汙水沉没到空中。
