


Bakewell Tart 貝克韋蛋撻


 1. Bakewell Tart 貝克韋蛋撻

  The Bakewell tart is a shortcrust pastry filled with jam and almond sponge (frangipane). The result is the perfect accompaniment to a cup of tea. The tart originates from the town of Bakewell. Local legend has it that the Bakewell tart (or pudding, as it is known in Bakewell) was created when a cook misunderstood her mistress'instructions and layered frangipane on a simple jam tart. Whatever the truth the tart has been popular since at least the early 19th century.



 Pork pie 豬肉餡餅

  2. Pork pie 豬肉餡餅

  Like the Bakewell tart, the pork pie comes in a variety of forms. Cheap ones are perfect for lunch boxes, more expensive ones can almost be a meal in themselves. The pork pie likely originated as a snack for hunting parties. It is usually small, round, a crust of brittle brown pastry and a filling of chopped pork.



 Kedgeree 雞蛋蔥荳飯

  3. Kedgeree 雞蛋蔥荳飯

  The fry-up may be a more famous British breakfast but nothing beats a good kedgeree. Kedgeree is a dish of curried rice, flaked fish, parsley and boiled eggs. Kedgeree is one of those dishes brought back from India in the days of the Raj, and was wildly popular with the Victorians. It is not as popular as it once was.



Custard tart 奶油蛋撻

  4. Custard tart 奶油蛋撻

  The custard tart does have international variants but none to compare with the Egg Custard Tart. Custard tarts must be an ancient invention, given the wide spread of variations across the world. Like all the best foods, the custard tart is simplicity itself. All you need is a shortcrust pastry, a well made egg custard, and a sprinkling of nutmeg. The custard tart can be eaten hot from the oven, but eaten at room temperature improves it immensely.



Yorkshire pudding 約克郡佈丁

  5. Yorkshire pudding 約克郡佈丁

  Yorkshire pudding is not a pudding. Yorkshire puddings are an accompaniment to Sunday roasts; some would say the best part of the meal. Miniature Yorkshire puddings with a morsel of beef and horse radish make a great canapé. Made well, Yorkshire puddings are light and crisp; made badly, they can resemble pucks. Whether or not your Yorkshire puddings rise is the true test of your cooking ability.約克郡佈丁不是真實的佈丁。約克郡佈丁是周日烤肉的必備;有些人會道那是伙食中最好的一侷部。微型約克郡佈丁,是牛肉與白蘿卜根据一定的比例協調而成。烤好後,約克郡佈丁堅實又噴鼻脆;如果沒有烤好了,他們就會像圓盤一樣丟臉。不論怎麼,約克郡佈丁是實正攷驗烹調技能的一道點心。

