
【風止英語】Lesson 10 - drained wired



  M:The train is just about to leave. Good thing you got here in time.



  M:Only about four hours. I'm probably going to sleep the entire way.

  L:(train leaving station, announcer in background) 你唸在水車上睡覺?不行,你睡覺我跟誰談話吶?

  M:Li Hua, you are full of energy. But I'm drained, I'm going to sleep.

  L:我是精力抖擻。可你說您是什麼? Drained?

  M:Yeah. Drained, it means exhausted.


  M:The word can be used two ways. To be physically drained and emotionally drained. For example, if a couple fight all the time, they would be emotionally tired, which you can also call drained.


  M:Yeah, you understand. You don't even seem drained after the mid-terms,翻譯.


  M:Yeah, you were emotionally drained. Well, if you don't want me to sleep on the train, we'd better go get more coffee. Let's go to the Cafe Car,翻譯.


  M:This coffee is going to keep me awake the entire trip.


  M:Geez, Li Hua, I don't think I will be nearly as wired as you are.

  L:Wired?我猜這是說我精力旺盛, 是不是是?

  M:You are right. This word has a couple of meanings. One means to be energetic and the other means to have nervous energy.

  L:這麼說,wired能够指對某件事很下興,也能够說對某件事觉得緩跟而儘力往做。 如果我精力充足,可以說:I am wired; 要是正在年夜攷前我感觸很嚴重而放紧時候溫習做業,也能够說:I'm wired。 是這個意义嗎?

  M:Yeah, that's right. But it has one other meaning as well. Wired means to be connected to something, such as being wired into the Internet, or being wired into a discussion.

  L:噢,跟甚麼貨色联系正在一路也能夠說是wired,例如跟果特網啣接。你最后讲的 wired into a discussion 我不太懂,那是什麼意義啊?

  M:You have been participating in the meetings to make decisions about our college, right?


  M:Ok, your participation in the college's meetings and being involved in those decisions means you are wired into the discussion.

  L:噢,我参加這些散會,參與決議的探討,這就可以夠說:I'm wired into the discussion.

  M:Yep. After all this coffee I have had, I don't feel so drained. In fact, after the next cup, I think I'm going to be pretty wired.

  L:喝了咖啡你便不覺得那么累了。再喝一杯,你便精神百倍了。那好,我再往給你購一杯, 要不要?

  M:Thanks so much, Li Hua!

  来日Michael戰李華在說話頂用了兩個意思絕對的詞,一個是drained,意思是非常累;别的一個是wired,意思是肉体抖擻. 此次[風止英語]就到此结束,下次節目再會。

