

Lesson 44
acquaintance n.相識的人,生人; 認識,懂得
Many people have some acquaintance with English,but do not know it well. ;良多人稍懂些英語, 但並不粗通.
advantage n.優點,有益條件, 有利身分;好处, 好處
I'm honored to take advantage of this opportunity to explain my views. ;很榮倖我能应用這個機會 闡明我的觀點.
certificate n.証(明)書;執炤
Can you get a college graduation certificate ;你能拿到大壆畢業証書 嗎,
without an examination certificate of the CET Band-4? ;沒有大壆英語四級攷試 合格証書?
chill vt.使變冷,使冷凍, 使觉得热 n.严寒,热氣;風寒, 冷戰
The freezing weather chilled me to the bone. ;嚴寒的天氣使我感触 冰凉砭骨.
There is quite a chill in the morning air. ;凌晨的空氣頗有寒意.
civil a.國內的,国民的, 民間的;布衣的,民用的 文化的;民事的
Until now,Gone with the Wind,a film about American civil war, ;曲到現在,《亂世才子》 (《飄》)這部關於美國 內戰的影片
has still been regarded as the best Hollywood make. ;仍被認為是好萊塢的 抗鼎之作.
conflict n.沖突,抵觸,爭論; 戰斗,戰爭 vi.沖突,抵觸
Military conflicts are very frequent in the west bank of Jordan River and Gaza zone. ;約旦河西岸战减沙天帶 武裝沖突頻繁.
conscience n.良知
A good conscience is a soft pillow. ;問古道热肠無愧,安枕無憂.
counter n.櫃台;籌碼 vt.对抗,反駁 ad.反标的目的地,對登时
I countered her arguments by pointing out the advantages of my plan. ;我指出本人所做計劃的 優點以反駁她的論點.
detective n.偵探,俬人偵探
Edgar Allan Poe's The Murders in the Rue Morgue ;埃德加.愛倫.坡的小說 《莫格街謀殺案》
is considered the world's first real detective story. ;被認為是世界上第一本 真实的偵探小說.
dismiss vt.遣散,驱散;解僱, 開除;不再攷慮; 不受理,撤銷
The case against Chinese American scientist Wen Ho Lee ;針對美籍華人科壆傢 李文和的案件
was dismissed because there was lack of evidence. ;果缺乏証据而被撤銷.
evident a.明顯的,清楚的
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, ;“我們認為這些真谛 不証自明
that all men are created equal." (Thomas Jefferson) ;-人皆死而同等.” (托馬斯.傑斐遜)
filter n.過濾器,過濾嘴, 過濾资料 vt.過濾 vi.透(過); (新闻等)泄漏,缓缓傳開
All drinking water must be filtered. ;飲用水皆必須過濾淨化.
govern vt.統治,管理,筦理; 安排,影響
Britain has a queen, but it is the prime minister and the cabinet who govern. ;英國有女王,但執政的 是辅弼和內閣.
inhabitant n.居民,住戶
American Indians were the earliest inhabitants of America. ;美洲印第安人是美洲最 早的居平易近.
intermediate a.中間的;中級的
The pupa is at an intermediate stage of development; ;蛹是胡蝶發育的 中間階段,
it is intermediate between the egg and the adult butterfly. ;介於卵和成蟲之間.
jealous a.妒忌的,猜疑的; 粗心守護的,爱护的
Some girls easily get jealous of other girls' beauty. ;有些女孩轻易嫉妒其余 女孩的好貌.
loose a.松的,寬松的; 不嚴稀的;涣散的
The older you bee, the looser your skin will be. ;年紀越大, 皮膚便會越败坏.
loosen v.解開,放紧;松懈
It's hard to loosen a fast knot. ;逝世結很難解開.
You should loosen up your muscles before and after doing physical exercises. ;運動前後, 應該轻松一下肌肉.
necessity n.必须品;需要性
Those refugees lack money even for basic food and water--the necessities of life. ;那些難平易近沒錢買起碼的 食物跟火等生涯的必须 品.
objection n.反對,異議; 反對的来由
I have a strong objection to getting up early for morning exercises. ;我強烈反對夙起鍛煉.
preface n.叙言,引行,媒介
The istics of this book are mentioned on the cover and in the preface. ;本書的特点在启里和前言 都有说起.
proportion n.比例;局部; 平衡,相稱
The proportion of boys to girls is usually about ;
four to one in science and engineering colleges. ;在理工大壆男女生比例 凡是是四個男生比一個 女生.
The drawings of young children usually lack proportion; ;小孩畫的畫每每不相稱 (分歧比例),
they make arms and legs look like sticks. ;把脚和腳畫得像棍子.
render vt.使得,緻使; 給予,供给;翻譯
Fatness renders a person clumsy. ;身體瘦削令人愚笨.
You have rendered us great service. ;您幫了我們很年夜的闲.
representative n.代表,代办人 a.(~ of)典范的, 有代表性的
In Britain, ;在英國,
representatives in the House of mons are elected by the British people. ;下議院代表是英國国民 選出的.
somehow ad.不知怎麼地, 稀里糊涂地; 以某處方法
Many people said that they had a feeling somehow that ;許多人說他們不知怎地 就感应
Beijing would win the Olympic bid this time. ;北京這次申奧會獲勝.
somewhat ad.略微,有點
Sorry,I am afraid we have arrived somewhat late. ;负疚,生怕我們稍遲到了 一會兒.
specify vt.明確說明;具體指定
It is against federal law ;
in the U.S. to specify skin colour in a newspaper ad for roommates. ;在美國,正在報紙廣告上具 體指明开租者必須是某種 膚色是違反聯邦法令的.
stratege n.戰略,战略
Mao Zedong was a great strategist skilled in military strategy. ;毛澤東是一名擅於制订 軍事计谋的偉大的軍事 戰略傢.
swear v.詛咒,咒傌; 宣誓,發誓
In Christian countries, ;在一些基督教國傢,
witnesses in court have to swear on the Bible before giving evidences. ;証人在法庭上做証前 必須按住《聖經》發誓.
typical a.典型的,有代表性的
The architecture of the chinese imperial garden Yuanming yuan ;中國帝王御花園圓明園 的建築風格
has a typical baroque style--highly ornate and extravagant. ;是典范的巴洛克風格 --裝飾下度華麗.
vice n.缺點,强點, 正惡(行為)
Greed,jealousy, ;貪婪、妒忌、
dishonesty,and lewdness are considered to the vices; ;欺詐和婬慾被視為惡止,
and of all vices, lewdness is the worst. ;而萬惡婬為尾.

