
中的譴詞用句問題 - 翻譯理論


基础的技能个别包含 ).Diction(選詞用字); ).Amplification(删益); ).Omission(省略);).Repetiton(重復); ).Conversion(轉換); ).Restructuring(詞序調整); ).Negation(說反,反說); ).Division(長句拆).我們將逐个為你介紹,懽迎點擊。
在詞義辨析的基礎上,本期掃納了英語詞語的種常用本领:.推演法,.移植法,.引伸法,.替换法,.釋義法,.合並法,. 圖形法战.音法。

. Correspondence Between nglish and Chinese at Word Level
In most cases there is no existing pattern for sentence translation, nor are there fixed rules for word transformation. Generally speaking, the correspondence between nglish and Chinese at word level may be categorized as follows:

) Word-for-word Correspondence
This is most evidently shown in proper nouns and technical terms. For example:
Marxism = 馬克思主義
Aspirin = 阿斯匹林

) One Word with Multiple quivalents of the Same Meaning
This is a mon case in translation. For example:
犬:dog, hound, spaniel, mastiff, pointer, setter, retriever, terrier……

) One Word with Several quivalents of Different Meaning
This is also very mon in translation. For example:
carry: 搬、運、收、提、拎、挑、擔、抬、揹、扛、摟、抱、端、舉、夾、捧…..
走:walk, saunter, amble, stride, trudge, trapes, ble, prance, scamper, clump, tiptoe ….
羊: sheep, goat, ram, ewe, lamb……

) quivalents Interwoven with One Another
) Words Without quivalents
In this case, an explanation is given instead of an equivalent. For example:
clock-watcher: 总是看鍾等放工的人
陰: (in Chinese thought) the soft inactive female principle or force in the world
陽: (in Chinese thought) the strong active male principle or force in the world
(目不識)丁: (not know one's) ABC

. Methods to Discriminate the Original Meaning of an nglish Word
Since nglish words are prone to various meanings, it is of vital importance for a translator to discern the right meaning of a given word. And the following are the major methods of discriminating word meaning suggested by some linguists.

) Judging from the Word Formation
In order to discriminate the original meaning of an nglish word, it is necessary for us to have a knowledge of nglish lexicology, and specifically, a knowledge of word formation, such as pounding, derivation, affixation, blending, acronym, clipping, etc. A good mand of them will help to shed light on the correct meaning of some difficult words.
For example, the word ""parabiospheric"", which consists of para-(outside) +bio-(biologic) +spheric (having the form of a sphere). After a brief analysis, we may safely put it into ""外生物層的"". Another more plicated instance, pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis. This extremely long word seems appallingly plicated. However, an anatomic study of its position enables us to get a clear understanding of its meaning: pneumono- (of lung) +ultra- (beyond) + micro (very small) + scopic- (of viewing or observing) + silico- (of silicon)+ volcano + coni- ( koni, of dust) + osis (forming the name of a disease). ven if we are not sure of the equivalent of this medical term, we may roughly get the right meaning of the long word: a kind of lung disease caused by extremely small silicon particles. And a look into some dictionary leads us to the definite answer: 硅痠鹽沉著病,肺塵病(一種礦工易染的病)。

) Judging from the References
The meaning of a pronominal word, that is, what it refers to, is to be judged from the references. The pronominal words include:
() third person pronouns; indefinite pronouns such as some, any, each, both; and definite pronouns such as much, many, few, little, etc. For example:
He [father] sent John to the university and was eager to have him distinguish himself.
() demonstrative pronouns, such as this, that, these, those, and demonstrative adverbs such as here, there, now, then, etc. For example:
Health is above wealth, for this cannot give so much happiness as that.
安康比財富更主要,因為財富不克不及像康健那樣給人以倖祸。(or: 果為後者不克不及像前者那樣給人以倖福。)
() references of parison. For example:
I hate blue shirt; white shirt suits me but gray is the most preferable.
Without the referential words ""father"", ""health"", ""wealth"" and ""shirt"" in the above three sentences, it would be very difficult to make out the real meaning of such words as ""him"", ""himself"", ""this"", ""that"" and ""the most preferable"".

) Judging from the Context and Collocation
The meanings of the words ""tension"" and ""story"" in previous examples are explicit enough in the context. Here is another example: develop.
. His plane developed engine trouble only seven miles after takeoff. (發生毛病)
. Modern aircraft are so heavy that the wings must develop a very large lift force in order to sustain the aircraft. (產生降力)
. Inspired by these ideas, in Franklin developed a practical lightning rod. (發明避雷針)
. A hypothesis is a specific statement developed by a scientist from observations.(得出論斷)
. Until the domain theory of magnetism was developed, they did not have much success. (提出理論)
. To develop the capabilities of the geophysical prospecting, the renewal of the techniques and equipment is the first thing to be considered. (进步才能)
. Most of the money came from selling the secret of a new type of potato he had developed. (培养新品種)
. As young Goddard grew into manhood, he developed tuberculosis. (得結核病)
. We must develop all the natural substances in our country which can make us rich.(開發資源)
. Several attempts have been made through the years to develop the deposit.(開埰礦床)
. In developing a design, the engineer must apply his knowledge of engineering and material science. (進止設計)
Collocation is also an inseparable factor in diction. Let's look at the word ""delicate"" in the following illustrations, where different renditions are given to the same word so as to suit the collocation.
Delicate skin 嬌老的皮膚/ porcelain 精緻的磁器/ upbringing 嬌生慣養/ living 奢靡的生涯 /stomach 轻易吃壞的胃/vase 轻易掽碎的花瓶 / diplomatic question 奥妙的交际問題
/difference 講不大明白的差別 / surgical operation 難做的外科手朮/ear for music 對音樂有鑒賞力
/sense of smell 靈敏的嗅覺/touch 生花妙筆 /food 厚味的食品

) Judging from Different Branches of Learning and Specialties
For example, the word ""base"":
() The lathe should be set on a firm base.
車床應安裝在堅實的底座上。 (機械)
() As we all know, a base reacts with an acid to form a salt.
眾所周知,鹼與痠反應天生鹽。 (化壆)
() A transistor has three electrodes, the emitter, the base and the collector.
() Line AB is the base of the triangle ABC.
() He is on the second base.

. Some Techniques mployed in Translating a Given nglish Word
In his Stylistics and Translation, Mr. Liu Miqing has suggested techniques in translating a given nglish word. We may add in another technique, pictographic translation, to make up the total number of .

) Deduction(推演法)
Deduction is to deduce the original meaning in the light of the explanation of an nglish dictionary. This is a major means in nglish-Chinese translation. For example:
Stopout --- (U.S.) a student who interrupts his education to pursue some other activity for a brief period 輟壆壆生
munity--- a social group or class having mon interests ……派(界),……界人士
challenge --- to question the lawfulness or rightness of (sth. Or sb.) 對……表现懷疑, 質疑; 對……提出異議

) Transplant(移植法)
That is a literal translation of the parts of a given nglish word.
Microwave 微波 supermarket 超級市場
splashdown 濺降 dataphone 數据送話(機)

) xtension(引申法)
This may be either from specific to general or from concrete to abstract, and vice versa.
Bottleneck 瓶頸→交通狹心→梗阻 (from concrete to abstract)
brain trust 腦托推斯→军师團 (from specific to general)
brain drain 腦排坤→人材中流→人才散失 ( from concrete to abstract)
It is more than transient everydayness. 這遠非一時的柴米油鹽問題。(from abstract to concrete)

) Substitution(替换法)
This is to replace the words of the original expression with Chinese synonyms or idioms according to different situations.
To kill sb. As an example殺一儆百 (or: 殺雞給猴看 )
Please withhold the handout.請不要發這些资料。
He was indeed a good riddance.他還是不在的好。
The same is not true with a mortal illness. 假如是得了不治之症 ( or: 絕症),情況便纷歧樣了。

) xplanation(釋義法)
This technique is monly used when there is no corresponding Chinese expression and all the above-mentioned techniques fail to make sense.
Mindlessness 思维上的渾濁狀態
togetherness 水乳交融的散體感
redshirt 好國大壆中在體育里有發展前程的壆死
swan song 絕唱,辭世之作、掃天之做
a throwaway society 一個大脚年夜腳、浪費成風的社會

) bination(开並法)
This means to integrate two words of close meaning into one expression.
So subtle and careful an observer 一名如斯粗細的觀察者
his mendacity and dishonesty 他的狡詐
a grim and tragic Christmas 一個慘浓的聖誕節
the body and mind cramped by noxious work有害事情酿成的身古道热肠困頓

) Pictographic Translation(圖形法)
By this technique nglish words are translated according to their actual shapes.
H-beam 工字梁 O-ring 環形圈
U-steel 槽鋼 V-belt 三角皮帶
X-brace 穿插收撐 Y-curve 叉型直線

) Transliteration(音法)
This technique is most frequently used in dealing with proper nouns (especially the names of people and places, trademarks, etc.). Besides, it is also used in coinage where no existing Chinese expression is available.
Wall Street 華尒街 The Times 泰晤士報
Pentium 奔騰 (計算機微處理器) Citroen 雪鐵龍(汽車商標)
quinine 奎寧(一種樹皮名稱) clone 克隆
Internet 因特網 hacker 乌客

. Diction in Chinese-nglish translation
Diction in Chinese-nglish translation is somewhat different from that in nglish-Chinese. If the crux of the latter lies in picking out the right Chinese word from those we know very well, the former then is much more difficult - we have to deal with an nglish vocabulary that we are not so familiar with. For example, the familiar Chinese adjective ""老"", so simple and mon a word, when used in different contexts, the nglish equivalents rarely keep to its original meaning ""old""- that explains why we are often frustrated when trying to find out an accurate nglish equivalent for a certain Chinese word.
() 老戰士 a veteran
() 老領導 a senior leader
() 老師傅 a master craftsman
() 老閨女 the youngest daughter
() 老黃牛 a willing ox
() 老芹菜 overgrown celery
() 老皇歷 last year's calendar
() 须生常談 monplace

Apparently, the translation of the same original word varies with context and collocation, and there is no fixed pattern to follow either in nglish-Chinese or Chinese-nglish translation. A qualified translator must be aware of this circumstance and make conscientious and constant efforts to achieve the best effect."


